Suresan Rajandra
I was born in Singapore and had my early education in Singapore until year 8. I then moved to Adelaide with my family. I completed high school here before going back to Singapore for national service. When I returned to Adelaide, I completed a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) at the University of Adelaide, and am currently perusing a Post Graduate Diploma of Health Economics at the same university. In 2018, my father and I started up our own brand (QUOVO) of medical and dental consumables. My aim is to establish QUOVO as a global brand within the first 24 months.
I hope to be able to be to support the SBSA growing to become the premier organisation for all business relationships between South Australia and Singapore. Additionally, I hope to be able to assist in creating a community within South Australia that encourages and facilitates innovative thinking.

Paul Louis Liew
Vice President
Paul came to Adelaide in 2011 and pursued a Bachelors of Law and Legal Practice at Flinders University and is a currently and admitted lawyer in South Australia. Paul’s currently specialises in compliance, investigative and enforcement of legislations administered by the Consumer and Business Services (CBS) in the South Australian Government. He also possess experiences in liquor and gambling licensing, regulatory work and product safety in South Australia.
Prior to his time in Adelaide, He undertaken commercial and finance roles with the Singapore Sports Council, as Head of Events and Special Projects in the Singapore Flyer. Having had a hand in planning and executing signature sports events in Singapore and working with his networks to develop events and special projects, Paul is particularly passionate about the Singapore Formula-1 and signature sports events around the world.
Paul is an proud ex-Patrician (i.e. an alumni of St Patrick’s School, Singapore) and welcomes with great delight the opportunity to connect with past Patricians and Lasallians here in South Australia. As all of Paul’s family are back in Singapore, he returns regularly to visit as well as build more networks while he is back in town. He currently resides here in Adelaide with his partner Genevieve.
Paul also contributes his time to the not-for-profit causes like housing homeless young people, volunteering advocacy and serves in the capacity of a volunteer solicitor with JusticeNet SA and welcomes anyone to contact him regarding partnering and contributing to not-for-profit and charitable causes in South Australia.
Paul’s vision for SBSA is to help develop partnerships and resources that can help Singaporeans and Businesses in South Australia and Singapore to interact and develop opportunities that facilitates trade, investment, sponsorship and employment, as well as advocating and advancing the social interests of the Singaporean in South Australia.

Eric Teoh
Eric came to Adelaide in 2012 to pursue his tertiary education in Bachelors of Science in Forensic and Analytical Chemistry (HONS) at Flinders University, which he completed in 2015 with top honours and conferred the University Medal for academic excellence. He is currently working as a forensic toxicologist in Forensic Science SA (FSSA) with authority to conduct investigations independently as a testifying scientist in court.
He have presented results of his scientific research at international conferences and have published articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals on the topic of forensic toxicology. He is also a member of numerous scientific associations including the Forensic and Clinical Toxicology Association (FACTA); The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT); the Australian and New Zealand Forensic Science Society (ANZFSS).
He is also a professional freelance photographer, which he does on his spare time beside his professional job during the week. He specialized in low light events, such as weddings, engagement, birthday parties and so on. Outside of this paid profession, Eric enjoys engaging in nature and pursuing his passion in landscape and astrophotography, endeavouring to provide inspiration through his photographic adventures.
Having gone through difficult challenges faced as an international student being away from family for long periods of time (4 years consecutively was the longest he was away without returning to SG), he understands that there are many aspects that contributes to the struggles that goes beyond just academic studies in Australia.
He hopes that his experience can provide some assistance to the Singaporean student community in Adelaide to pursue their passions outside of academic studies through SBSA activities and functions. He also hopes that he can make a difference by being part of the team.

Mah Mei Hui
General Committee
I moved to Adelaide with my 3 teenagers in 2016. At present, I am practising as a pharmacist in Adelaide. I am also the Managing Director of The Skin Pharmacy, a chain of shops specialising in skincare, in Singapore. My husband is currently based in Singapore, running our companies.
I can identify with the many ‘single’ Mums (and some Dads) who have emigrated to Adelaide while their spouses are still in Singapore. I also identify with the ‘mature’ migrants who have moved here in their mid-career and have to start all over again. And because I am also an employee and business owner, I identify with those wanting to start all over again by being an entrepreneur.
With these experiences, I hope to add diversity to the SBSA and to foster closer ties amongst its members and the wider Singaporean community.
My personal vision for the SBSA is to see it grow its membership numbers to include all Singaporeans and those with ties to Singapore. And in turn, with other committee members, I hope that the SBSA will be an association for providing support, organising integrative social activities, giving responsible advice and being the best representation of the Singaporean community in Adelaide.